College Admissions Book Recommendations
One of my recurring New Year’s resolutions has always been to read more. This year, I am adding more non-fiction titles to my reading list, which leads me to reflect on some of the most helpful college planning and preparation books I’ve read over the past few years. I decided to share a few of my favorites in hopes that these resources are helpful to students and parents looking for practical information and some reassurance about the admissions process.
Recommended Reading List For Parents and Students
Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be by Frank Bruni
First published in 2015, Bruni’s attempt at providing an “antidote to the college admissions mania” reassures readers that the most prestigious institutions do not equate to the most successful outcomes. Bruni shares stories of incredibly successful students who were not accepted to their highly selective first-choice colleges yet realized their worth was not determined by a college rejection letter. Instead, they found fulfillment and success in college by taking advantage of opportunities available on and off campus. Aside from anecdotes, Bruni uses data and statistics to demonstrate that finding the right fit is more important than “winning” admission to a highly selective school. This book is an excellent read for parents and students awaiting college admissions decisions and for those preparing to apply to schools next year.
The Price You Pay For College by Ron Lieber
Ron Lieber has done the research and clearly explains how the cost of attending college has skyrocketed over the years. He breaks down the formulas and reasoning behind the varying cost of attendance and the use of merit aid or “discounting” at many colleges. Finally, and most importantly, he advises parents on how to have important and sometimes uncomfortable discussions regarding budget and finances with their child during the college research process.
Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope
Colleges That Change Lives, Inc. (CTCL) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to advancing and supporting a student-centered college search process. The CTCL mission aligns with my philosophy on college list development and pushing students to think more about a campus where they will thrive rather than worrying about rankings and name recognition. The colleges that fulfill the CTCL criteria are supportive and provide students with a foundation to be lifelong learners who positively impact society. The book is a guide for families looking to learn more about these types of colleges that are truly focused on personal growth and setting students up for long-term success. You can learn more about CTCL member colleges at
My 2023 College Admissions To-Be-Read List
The Good College by Stuart Nachbar
The Black Family’s Guide to College Admissions by Timothy L. Fields and Shereen Herndon-Brown
What to Know Before They Go: The College Edition by Pamela Ellis PhD